Implementation: Hokkaido is the second largest of the four main Japanese islands, and the largest of its 47 prefectures. Hokkaido is recognised as having great potential for renewable ...
RES: Hydropower, windpower, cogeneration and biofuels.
Implementation: Jämtland County is the third largest county in Sweden. The largest share of electricity production in Jämtland (93%) is generated from hydropower (11.2 TWh in 2013). The county ...
Implementation: Kasese District is located in Western Uganda. It is bordered by several protected forest reserves including Queen Elizabeth National Park and Mt. Rwenzori National Park. Only ...
Implementation: Le Thouarsais is a group of 33 communes, located in the Poitou-Charente region of France. Its core city is Thouars. Commited to fight against climate change, the Thouarsais territory ...
Target: “Renewable energy region”, operating on 100% RE.
Status:In progress - Today, around 55% of the consumed electricity is renewable: from wind (23%), biomass (27%), solar power (4.3%) and hydropower (0.2%). For heating, only 10% RE is used.
Implementation: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a rural, thinly populated state on the northern coast of Germany. In 2013, the state was the first in Germany to generate more power from renewable sources ...
RES: Windpower, photovoltaics, biomass, biodiesel and geothermal energy
Implementation: Navarra is a small region in Northeastern Spain, and is celebrated for its diverse renewable energy portfolio.Today, the region is one of the largest ...