- Target: Free of fossil fuels by 2033.
- Status: In progress - To date, about 30% of the City's electricity comes from renewable sources.
- RES: Wind and solar power.
- Implementation: The City of Santa Barbara has committed to a plan to make the city free of fossil fuels by 2033. Milestones so far include a city ordinance requiring new and remodeled buildings to be carbon neutral, and the construction of a 100 MW wind farm. In Point Arguello, it has commissioned PG&E to conduct a study into the feasibility of wave power. The city found that the earmarking of land for specific developments, an aging grid infrastructure, and high real estate values, have posed technical and permitting challenges for the implementation of larger renewable energy projects. However, the distributed energy option through rooftop solar has made implementation easier. Incentives created by the city with regards to small rooftop systems have attracted more residents and thus increase renewable energy uptake. Other residents have adopted a solar purchasing program, launched by the Community Environmental Council (CEC), a local educational and advocacy group, which has resulted in over 300 MW of solar power being generated.
- Population: 92,101 (2017)
- Area: 41.99 sq mi (108.75 km2)
- Link: