Cape Verde
- Target: 100% renewable energy by 2020, become a model for zero emissions on a global scale and a knowledge hub for several sub-regions.
- Status: In progress
- RES: Windpower
- Implementation: Cape Verde is an island country spanning an archipelago of ...

Kasese, Uganda
- Target: 100% renewable energy by 2020
- Status: In progress
- RES: Biomass, solar, geothermal, and micro-hydro
- Implementation: Kasese District is located in Western Uganda. It is bordered by several protected forest reserves including Queen Elizabeth National Park and Mt. Rwenzori National Park. Only ...

Réunion, France
- Target: 100% renewable electricity by 2028
- Status: In progress - Renewable energy represents 13% of the primary energy consumption.
- RES: Main sources of electricity generation are hydropower, photovoltaics and biomass (bagasse). Photovoltaic energy represents 8% of the production. From 2011 and ...

Tshwane, South Africa
- Target: 50% renewable energy at community-scale by 2030, geared towards a 100% renewable energy pathway
- Status: In progress
- RES: Biogas from waste and solar power
- Implementation: The City of Tshwane in South Africa has a target to reach 50% renewable energy at ...

Valley View University, Accra, Ghana
- Target: 100% renewable energy
- Status: In progress
- RES: Solar energy and biogas
- Implementation: Valley View University is located in Accra, the capital of Ghana. In 2001, it became the first ecological university in Africa. An ecological master plan was the ...