Apex, North Carolina, USA

Apex, North Carolina, USA

  • Target: 100% renewable energy by 2050 for town operations
  • Status: In progress
  • RES: Solar PV
  • Implementation: The town of Apex in North Carolina is committed to achieving 100% Clean Energy by 2050 with the strategic aim of creating a healthy and engaged community, a vibrant economy, all based on ecologically sustainable development.Efforts began in 2017, with two solar photovoltaic (PV) pilot projects to establish design, construction and energy management skills, with $500,000 budgeted for PV systems on town buildings. Changes to policy making were made making it faster, easier and more affordable for Apex homes and businesses to install solar. All outdoor lighting were transitioned to energy efficient LED (light-emitting diode) fixtures, which provided immediate cost savings to the town and its citizens. By 2019, Apex was designated as a Gold-Level SolSmart Community. Its Council passed the 100% Clean Energy resolution. Besides transitioning from fossil fuel-based energy to renewable energy, Apex would also transition the municipal vehicle fleet to plug-in hybrid vehicles or all electric vehicles by 2050. By 2021, the town had installed solar PV on 9 town buildings, with more installations planned. A Greenhouse Gas Inventory was created by the Apex Sustainability Team to track operational fossil fuel-based emissions and set the 100% energy targets. The Apex Finance Committee met with locals to discuss any changes to the Town's solar rate structure and to solar metering.

    An assessment was made by Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center (NCCETC) and CST Fleet Services  to create a Vehicle Replacement and Infrastructure Support Plan for the following 10 years. The town replaced several old council trucks with all electric vehicles  and electric changing stations installed at locations around town. The town began expanding municipal recycling and paper reduction efforts to set a 100% Zero Waste Goal for town operations. It began working with partners to analyze municipal waste usage, identify waste reduction strategies, and implement zero waste practices in the workplace. To achieve greener buildings, the town carried out energy assessments on all town buildings to plan for optimal efficiency retrofits.

  • Population:  58,780 (2020)
  • Area:  56 km2
  • Link: Apex Solar
Apex, North Carolina, USA
  • © Seth Ilys